What Is A Over The Counter Card And How Do I Apply
All About The Over The Counter Card
Everything you need to know about the Over The Counter Card! Most of you might know it as OTC which is short for Over The Counter. The OTC is similar to a debit card that is provided as a benefit with your health insurance. It is a form of monthly allowance to help pay towards groceries and over the counter medication. Therefore Depending on your plan you could get up to an extra hundred dollars every month to help with your everyday expenses. While using an Over The Counter Card you are able to go to your local stores or make an order online.
Applying For An Over The Counter Card
Are you interested in applying for an Over The Counter Card but not sure how. Well At The Ron Evans Agency we would love to help. To Apply for an Over The Counter Card you first must be on Medicare or Medicaid. If you already are on Medicare or Medicaid then we are already off to a good start! Next is just finding the perfect plan and our agents are professionals and finding the best fit for you! Finally once you’re signed up you wait for your card and than go shopping for all your basic needs! It’s just that simple with the help of a local agent.
Local Agents That Can Help
Lastly if you are interested and want the extra benefits then please contact us! We have tons of local agents that are willing to help! We are located here in Thomasville Georgia and look forward to making our next appointment with you! If you are on social media be sure to follow us on Facebook and look out for some of our daily post for more tips on health insurance. Thanks again for trusting us to be your local health insurance agent.
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