work at the ron evans agency
Available to Agents
- Free Lead program
- Lead co-op program
- Free lead list data
- In-House bulk mail permit and lead generation
business - Up to date innovative social media advertising for
lead generation and agent recruiting - Pre-set appointments for Life, DVH and Medigap.
Free to top producers - E-Contracting
- Personalized training by the carriers
- General Agency managing contracts available
- In field training and free leads for new agents
- Salary plus commission available on GR captive
Immediate Openings!
What about growth?
Mission: The Ron Evans Agency’s mission is two-fold: to enhance the lives of individuals all over the world by providing longer life and optimal health through innovative and basic insurance policies and programs as well as to provide and support an incredible opportunity allowing individuals to take control of their lives, time, and financial future through a simple turn-key business.
One of the most exciting opportunities that exists today began as an idea of Ron Evans Jr within a time tested and proven industry. Like any successful business idea there must first be the motivating factor that drives its success. Ron started his sales career selling books door to door during Summer break while attending college. He became on of the top salespeople out of over 25,000 salespeople nation-wide. Who knew that this experience would catapult him to achieve the highest honors in selling within several different industries.
About 20 years ago Ron stumbled into the $1.32 trillion Insurance Industry. He quickly found that life insurance offers the most growth and Medicare offers some of the easier products to sell. Over the years, Ron has built proven systems and techniques to take Agents and Brokers to the next level whether financially, emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually. Just look at his entire bio and you will see a man who has “been there; done that”. You can rest assured that as a customer you will get quality service and the best product to fit all of your needs. If you’re an Agent or Broker, you will love the support and comradery found in the The Ron Evans Agency’ organization.
The Ron Evans Agency offers virtually anyone the opportunity to start an exciting and potentially profitable business in the fastest growing industry in the world. You can become an Agent and have your own stand-alone business, enjoy possible tax benefits associated with having own business, and create a residual income while working as few or as many hours as you like from the comfort of your home.
The REA opportunity is a turnkey business that appeals to both the seasoned veteran and the beginner. With a little training and access to the incredible business building tools made available by the company, one’s success is virtually guaranteed! By combining Direct Marketing and 21st Century Digital Marketing, the goal of REA is to become one of the most profitable IMO’s in the USA by using cutting edge sales and marketing techniques to acquire customers Nation-Wide. Through these channels, it is the dream of all at REA to build a lucrative business by offering Insurance products through remote control marketing.
Vision: Imagine if Bill Gates had approached you 15 years ago and said “I’d like to present you with a National opportunity in a trillion dollar industry whereby you obtain a simple license and we are in business together where we offer individuals products and services they need to maintain health and to build financial security. At this point, we create a “pipeline” into these people’s homes and offices through Digital Media and other multi media advertising campaigns. And all you have to do is go and talk to these people about the services and I will pay you a commission on all the customers that are acquired and all the additional products they access and pay premiums for life” Well, if that had happened and if you had taken him up on it, you would most likely not be reading this because you’d probably be a millionaire many times over and be retired now!
Today, you not only have that opportunity; you have one that is even better. Imagine if you not only supplied a person their security and health but also had the power to influence what they see and hear through multiple communications mediums? Think about having the ability to offer your products and services to a captive audience who wanted to buy what you had to offer!
How many people do you know who read popular magazines? How many people read the newspaper? How many people are on the Internet or better yet how many people will be on the Internet in the next 5 years? How many people do you know who want to take care of health issues? How many people want to create financial independence for their golden years? And how much money do they spend on these things? Trillions!!
Now, how much of that would you like to have paid to you month after month for laying the groundwork today and following the lead of those who are successful and know what it takes to get there? Would you be willing to try? If not, then there is no need to read any further. If so, then you are in the right place at the right time, and the future is yours for the taking.
Another “key component” of the REA Opportunity is the masterful use of Digital Direct Marketing techniques. You see, by combining Traditional Direct Marketing with 21st Century Digital Marketing, REA has eliminated the need for Agents to go out and find leads (people to meet with). Through the use of ingenious online and print media campaigns, you can potentially earn money while you sleep from the sale of our products directly to the consumer.
What this means is, for the first time in history, you DON’T have to sell to your friends and family to get started. REA is truly a product, customer driven company! And, better yet, since you don’t have to bother your friends and family to make significant money, it becomes easier to do just that. By getting started today you can potentially build a lasting residual income by developing a group of customers all of whom use your products over and over again, every month, quarter, or year. This allows you to get paid while you sleep, while on vacation, while working in the yard or doing whatever else you may want.
If you’re seeking information of a product or service that can protect your health or preserve and grow your finances, please fill out the contact form and one of our licensed Agents will be in touch right away.
If you’re looking to build a lasting financial future and potentially generate a 5 figure monthly income inside of 12 months, please fill out the form to be contacted about one of our limited Agent positions.