Under 65 Years of Age?

Major medical insurance is a long-term, comprehensive health insurance plan designed to cover a majority percentage of the medical costs an average American will pay in a given year. Major medical insurance is sold by The Ron Evans Agency through private or public health insurance marketplaces.
What is the difference between health insurance and medical insurance?
Medical insurance provides you coverage only for hospitalization, pre-specified ailments and accidents that are for a pre-specified amount while health insurance provides you with comprehensive coverage against hospital expenses, pre-hospitalization and post-hospitalization expenses as well as ambulance services.
Major Medical Insurance
Major medical health insurance covers all the “minimum essential” benefits and does meet the standards of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for individual and family health insurance coverage. Most individuals and families select major medical coverage to ensure that all of their medical expenses are covered no matter what their health situation might be
Understanding major medical health insurance plans
Major medical health insurance plans are generally the type of insurance plans that people are referring to when they talk about their typical health insurance coverage. These comprehensive plans comply with the ACA’s regulations for qualifying health plans and are designed to minimize out-of-pocket expenses.
What do major medical plans cover?
Major medical insurance plans offer the ten essential benefits:
- being hospitalized
- outpatient procedures (aka ambulatory care)
- preventive care such as checkups and immunizations
- prescription medications
- mental and addiction counseling
- lab services
- emergency services
- pediatric care
- maternity and newborn care
Major Medical Health Insurance can be purchased through official health insurance exchanges and, for no extra fee, The Ron Evans Agency. The benefit of having a licensed agent work on your behalf is having someone help you select what plan is the best value for your needs. Insurance plan selection can be complicated and confusing for most people. Having a trust firm like The Ron Evans Agency allows for resting well knowing you’ve purchased the most affordable plan that covers all of your needs.
Short Term Health Insurance polices provide you with medical coverage for a short period of time which is usually no longer than 36 months. A plan like this could be beneficial to you based on your insurance needs and your current employment situation.
Short term medical insurance does not cover preventative care or pre-existing illnesses. Keep in mind, if you buy a shorter plan, it will be less expensive while a longer plan will cost more.
This type of medical plan does not have to observe ACA requirements. They don’t cover all the essential benefits (10) that ACA Health Plans are required to cover. Most all of these plans are simply designed to protect against a sudden illness or injury and of course, provide emergency services coverage.
Short Term plans are flexible as they range for 30 days to about 36 months. So, you can decide how long you want your coverage to last for. These plans are often approved very quickly and will go into effect as quickly as the day after applying.
These plans are quite a bit less expensive than ordinary Health Insurance Plans. But, they do use medical underwriting to reject less healthy people or those who have certain conditions.
Short Term insurance is not renewable. Once your policy ends it is impossible to renew that same plan. But you may be able to sign up for a new short term health policy. Most of the time, you will be permitted to enroll in up to 2 policies per year.
Short Term plans do NOT cover pre-existing conditions. They only protect against things that are unforeseen. If you do have a pre-existing medical issue, one of the plans may not provide you with the coverage you need.
Navigating this process is best done with one of the trusted agents from The Ron Evans Agency. Submit a contact form or, give us a call today